A Place Called Sergevka
This is Anya. Look at her face and you see apprehension. It was my first photo of Anya. Gather 60 people in a camp designed to help...
Rural Ukraine
Like many places in America, rural Ukraine is a different world. There is no city water. If you don't have a well, you get your water, by...
They Take Difficult Children
In the first image, Ira, one of our trainers for foster families and Alla Soroka, our Project Manager pause for a photo at a recent...
Open House
On Sunday, Sept 6, we opened our office in Odessa. The staff made all the preparations, invited friends, and celebrated. It is the first...
Maggie married/we dig a well/meeting a mayor/trainings and our new office.
Maggie got married! Her husband and his family are wonderful people. Those of you who have followed my newsletters since the beginning...
Orphans going home in Ukraine
We train families with orphans: foster families, families of origin and extended families. About 90% of orphans have a parent somewhere....
The Reconciliation Project You know, one of our hopes is to get every child out of an orphanage and into a home: family of origin, then...
Ukraine and the Corona Virus
Not many have died from the Coronavirus. As of 20 hours ago, 17 have died and 670 are infected. But already the country is taking strong...
Ukrainian and Russian teens working toward reconciliation
Click on the links below and you will see how young boys are being trained by nationalists in Ukraine and Russia. It's not just how to...
Young Writers of Ukraine
The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine is pleased to announce a competition for the 2020 International Writing Program (IWP). This program is...