Looking for a few good....

This is a "change your life" chance to put something on a resume that gets attention and experience something rare.
This summer, I need 4 young adults, age 18 or over, to join 40 Ukrainian refugees (mothers and children) and six staff people at a facility near the Black Sea in beautiful Varna, Bulgaria. These are people who fled a war. The dates are July 17-25 or August 1-9.
You've got to love kids and be comfortable and creative with them, AND, someone needs to bring and play a guitar. This is a camp to heal the trauma of people who have lost homes and family, people who have been terrified by rockets, gunfire and the presence of enemy soldiers. It will also change your life.

I just checked. A ticket from Atlanta to Varna July 16-25 is $1714 round trip. From NYC it's $1502. I know you can find sponsors from churches, friends or family. Just get there. Room and board is covered. We run the program; you'll fit right in.
And no, you don't have to be able to speak Russian or Ukrainian. But you will need a passport.
Send me an email.... and line up 2 references Robert Gamble robertgam@gmail.com
