A Face of Hope and Joy
Natalia, a Children's Services worker, whose face, I believe, captures both hope and joy, holds a child being cared for by a foster family. Natalia and this foster family were trained by staff and funds from THIS CHILD HERE as the country moves steadily toward UKRAINE WITHOUT ORPHANGES.
Below, more youth in foster care.

Below, is photo taken near the war. Behind me, was a sign "Warning Minefield." About half a mile away was the enemy line. When they shoot, they see the face of this teacher of Ukrainian language from the local high school. An Australian artist made the painting on the wall. Below other buildings hit by tanks and rockets.

We recently started training local school teachers in the east, near the war, in violence prevention and "anti-bullying".
We train all foster families, all mentors and all the social workers in the region of Odessa, Ukraine. Below, mentors of kids in orphanages, come to a support group run by our Project Manager, Alla Soroka.

In closing, we have a location in Italy where we hope to run a camp this summer that will bring Russian and Ukrainian teens together.
If it all comes together, it will be a remarkable year for the beginning of the new decade.

Me advertising Carhartt.

Grace and Peace
Robert Gamble