Every Child a Home, Every Child a Family

We're on a mission. It has to do with vulnerable youth and children in Ukraine.
There are 106,000 children living in 751 orphanages across Ukraine. There are 2,758 youth and children in orphanages in the region of Odessa that we intend to close down, not by some legal action but by taking children away.

Our goal: For every child, a home; every child a family. Every child needs to love and be loved by parents. Every day in a building without a functioning mother or father, is another day of childhood development delayed and denied.

We know how to prepare foster families to understand the commitment they are making, to learn tools of discipline and encouragement, and to create a home for healthy childhood development and love.

My goal is to find 100 Presbyterian churches who will donate at least $25 a month. I want to show strong evidence of support from churches in the USA. $50 pays for one family to be trained. $200 pays for food and lodging for one foster family youth or adult for 10 days of summer camp. The images you see are from last year's camp which hosted 60 people.

Below is a list of congregations that have supported This Child Here in the past.
Would your congregation be willing to give $25, $50, or $100 a month?
We hope and pray you will join us on this venture.
Grace and Peace,
Dr. Robert Gamble, Executive Director
